District Seven STaC Conditions of Contest
ACBL Conditions of Contest Are a Part of These Conditions.
It is the policy of District 7 to not have more than four STaCs in any given year, with one to be in support of future NABCs in District 7, one for the benefit of the Units in District 7, one for the benefit of future NABCs in District 10 (this is actually, of course, a District 10 STaC in which we participate), and finally, as an optional additional STaC, for charity. Since the STaC for charity is to be held only when specifically directed by the Board, we did not schedule it in any way.
In general (subject to change), the STaCs will be held as follows:
- The STaC to benefit District 10 NABCs to be determined by District 10 (normally they have held it either the last week of January or the first week of February)
- The STaC to benefit future NABCs in District 7 is currently being held, in December, normally the second week.
- The STaC to benefit the Units is held in the summer, currently in late August.
Additional policies as to STaCs:
- Hand records are not distributed by the District. The clubs are responsible for creating their own hand records, using Common Game hand records, or simply shuffling and dealing.
- In order to participate in the main, overall status (in accordance with recommended ACBL procedure) a game must be five tables or greater in size. Those games that are less than five tables will be lumped together to create a second overall consisting of all of the games with less than five tables.
All clubs participating in a STaC should be made aware of these and any other Conditions of Contest by providing a copy or advising them where they are located on the District website.
Janet Case
STaC Coordinator